“Made in India”- Are you kidding?
Everyone scoffed at the sheer audacity of violins being made in India. As far as they were concerned, it was an instrument of western music, and there were places in the world better suited to making such an instrument. This was the exact response I got from a storeowner, who is also a renowned musician, when I visited their store to promote violins made in India. Another storeowner laughed in my face when I proposed that she sell violins made in India. I was aghast that they thought so lowly about a country that is known for its music and culture. I decided to show them how capable we are in producing violins of top quality – I picked up the violin and began to play it. She listened to me play, mesmerized by the quality of its sound. Then she took the violin form me and began to play...
Nov 29, 2023
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